Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Resolution update: April

As was previously mentioned I have decided to take Lent off from my healthy endeavors. I'm hoping in time to be able to articulate my reasoning behind this move better at a later date, but in preparation for Easter, (when I will be ending my junk food/no exercising binge and doing a quickie 5 day juice cleanse) I am going veggie until then and have begun jogging to get the exercise regime rolling. I'd also like to make some sort of amends for this hiatus by adding to my resolution list. I'm not totally into going to the gym as a source of getting fit, it just seems so limited to me (although, when it's cold and rainy, I'd much rather be indoors, so I get it, and I'm totally not knocking the gym, yo) so in the interest of learning new things, and being slightly more athletic (which, I'm totally NOT) I'd like to at least try the following things this year:
this seems like something I could get into, since there's very little contact, you get a good workout, you can wear  cute skirts still if you want, and yelling is OK. 
now, I'm not going to be going on any crazy cross country-ing, but I would like to at least get a bike, and once I'm in the city again, attempt to ride it here and there instead of taking my car.
This is something that I've gotten more into the last few years, but I absolutely love being in the outdoors when the weather is nice, and would love to do more hiking (and picnicking!)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Vegas vacation

I spent this last week visiting my sister in Las Vegas with my dad and a few of his friends from work. I had a really great time! I've been going through some personal hardships and it was really good to be around a few of the people who know, love and support me most.
Here's a few pics:
It rained on Saturday!

We went to this old school MC's,
Alice had a hankering for the cheddar soup and salad bar...

This is the new hotel lobby and check in counter at the oldest hotel in Las Vegas:
The Golden Gate on Fremont street.
My extremely talented sister is the lead designer!!

Hoover Dam

 Valley of Fire
"Beehive" rock formations

All in all it was a great trip. When I lived there I was 19, and although I've been back a few times to visit since then, I was really able to go to a few haunts I'd always wanted to visit but never had the opportunity to as a 'youth'.
I'm already planning my next trip, so everyone start saving now so you an come with me! I promise it won't be disappointing ;)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Resolution update: March

I've taken a bit of a break from my 'healthy start to the new year' and decided my loop hole is to give up healthy food and home cooking for lent. I'll get in to a more in depth explanation when I finish formulating one...
However, after Easter, I plan to do a juice cleanse I'm super excited to try, and I'll be back at it with a new slew of recipes that I'm super stoked for, and workout regime to get my butt back in gear.

but first, I'm going to Vegas with my dad to visit my sister and I'm so excited!!! It's been entirely too long... we leave on the 13th!!