Holy mac! I haven't updated the blog in two months! The house I normally work in is undergoing renovation, so my computer time has been mostly used for catching up on pretty little liars and gossip girl. (priorities, right? ;))
I'm taking an as yet undetermined break from facebook. I'm really not digging how it's starting to be integrated into everything. I'm all about sharing, but I'm not interested in everything I do online to be automatically uploaded onto my facebook page, not that I'm doing anything untoward online (unless you count my previous admission).
Well, Jared is getting ready to head off to Europe again and will be back at the beginning of December. I'm looking at a few days of much needed time off coming up next week as well. I have taken a bit of a break from taking care of myself the way I usually do, and that simply won't do any longer, so I'm getting a jump on the whole new years resolution thing and starting now. I'll be doing a new cleanse that I will definitely blog about, as well as some basic personal maintenance too (haven't had a mani/pedi for almost 3 months!) I will be making some pretty major dietary changes as well, which I look forward to sharing more in depth as it gets underway.
We will also be hanging up our farming hats (so to speak) for a little while too. We have enjoyed learning all that we've learned in the last 4 years, and plan on taking that knowledge with us when we find a place of our own, but our time farming on borrowed land is over now. we will be selling the chickens and ducks and packing up all of our farming equipment into storage. It has been an amazing experience and I can't wait to revisit it once Jared and I decide where in the world we want to live :)
That pretty much brings things up to speed! Halloween is this week, and my sister Nicole's annual Segaloween party will be next weekend, I hope to post pictures, as it will no doubt be a cock-punch filled night!
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